Return Policy

Return Policy

At Hobby Foam Supplies, we want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you are not satisfied, we offer a hassle-free return policy to make your shopping experience worry-free.

1. Eligibility for Returns

  • You may initiate a return for most items within 7 days of receiving your order.
  • To be eligible for a return, the item must be in its original condition, unopened, unused, and with all original tags and packaging.

2. Non-Returnable Items

The following items are not eligible for return:

  • Personalized or customized items.
  • Gift cards.

3. Return Process

To initiate a return, please email us the details  at

4. Return Shipping

  • Customers are responsible for return shipping costs, unless the return is due to an error on our part or a defective product.
  • We recommend using a trackable shipping method to ensure that your return is received.

6. Refund Process

  • Once we receive your return and inspect the item(s), we will process your refund.
  • Refunds will be issued to the original payment method used during the purchase.
  • Please allow 2~3 days for the refund to appear in your account, as processing times may vary.

7. Restocking Fee

  • A restocking fee of 20% may apply for certain returns, such as large or expensive items. This fee will be deducted from your refund.

9. Exchange Policy

  • At this time, we do not offer direct exchanges. If you need a different item, you can return the original item and place a new order.

10. Contact Us

If you have any questions or need assistance with your return, please don't hesitate to email us at We're here to help!